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Best Time to Visit Edinburgh (Weather Month By Month)

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Edinburgh is an incredible city to visit and there are so many things to do so this guide will share the best time to visit Edinburgh no matter the reason why you’re visiting.

If you’re visiting Edinburgh for the Fringe festival, to explore the North Coast 500 or just for a city break away then this is the guide that you need in your life.

We’ve lived close to Edinburgh for a long time now and so we’ve been fortunate enough to see the city in all different seasons and during different events throughout the year.

Off the back of this, our favourite time to visit is probably around the Autumn but that is because it is a lot quieter than during the summer when the city is bursting with tourists.

If you’re familiar with the weather patterns in Scotland then you’ll know that you can never guarantee that it won’t rain so no matter what time of year you’re visiting, we suggest packing an umbrella just in case!

How Many Days in Edinburgh?

As we mentioned, there are so many incredible sights to visit in Edinburgh that it can be really tricky to decide how long to visit. In our opinion, if you can spare a week or more then this is a great length of time to spend in Edinburgh.

This will give you enough time to tour around the city and see the sights but also take some different day tours from Edinburgh too so that you can visit the smaller towns like Haddington.

However, if you can’t stay for as long as a week then 4-5 days would be a perfect amount of time! Whilst you’re visiting Edinburgh you will want to make sure that you take advantage of the cheap things to do in Edinburgh too so that you don’t need to spend a fortune!

Amy & Liam at the top of Arthur's Seat with a view of Edinburgh city in the background.

Off Peak Season in Edinburgh

If you’re planning to visit Edinburgh then you may want to try and visit during the off-peak season so that it is not as crowded with tourists. In complete honesty, this sounds easier than it actually is because the city is pretty busy all year round!

The off-peak season in Edinburgh tends to be around November time before the Christmas Markets in Edinburgh begin. You may find that the start of October can be quite quiet as well.

If you really want to avoid tourists then we recommend not visiting during December when the Christmas Markets are open and the whole of August when the Fringe festival is running too.

What is the cheapest month to go to Edinburgh?

Edinburgh is not the cheapest city to visit but it is much less expensive than London that’s for sure! However, there are some months that are cheaper to travel to Edinburgh than others!

If you’re trying to keep costs down then you will want to travel to Edinburgh either in November or between January – March. As much as the weather won’t be on your side, it is definitely one of the best ways to keep the costs down.

Amy on her first solo trip to Edinburgh (the same day she met Liam for the first time) at the top of Arthur's Seat with a view of Edinburgh in the background.

You will find that travelling around this time, the hotels will be much cheaper as well as your travel costs to get to Edinburgh too. If you are travelling to Edinburgh on a budget then you will absolutely want to avoid visiting during July, August and December as these are the most expensive months to visit.

If you’re looking for cheap accommodation in Edinburgh then feel free to use our map below to find some of the best places to stay and keep costs low!

Hottest Time of Year to Visit Edinburgh

Now, we have to be straight up with you, the weather in Scotland can at times be very unpredictable so you may find that even if you’re visiting during our Summer, that you may experience cold days and rain. This absolutely cannot be helped and ironically it is one of the things that makes Edinburgh what it is!

If you’re wanting to travel to Scotland and enjoy some nice, sunny weather then you are best planning your trip to Edinburgh between June – early September.

July and August tend to be the hottest months for visiting Edinburgh but as we say, there is no guarantee that it won’t rain! However, the chances of having a warm, sunny day are much higher than the rest of the year.

For anyone that is wanting to avoid the cold weather then we suggest you avoid visiting Edinburgh between November – February as these can be some of the coldest months!

Edinburgh Weather by Month

If you’re taking more time to plan your trip to Edinburgh or you’re still not decided on which month is truly the best time to visit Edinburgh then this is the right place for you.

Below we share the details for what it is like visiting Edinburgh during each month including high and low temperatures, any events to watch out for during this time and the peak / off peak seasons for visiting too.

Edinburgh Weather in January

January is one of the best months for visiting Edinburgh if you’re looking to try and keep costs low and explore on a budget. You will find that it is much less busy with tourists.

The only exception to the peak season is the first few days of January which will be tourists left over from celebrating Hogmanay in Edinburgh.

However, genuinely speaking, it is a very quiet month for visiting Edinburgh and the perfect time for capturing some awesome gothic photos of the city.

The only thing that you do need to be mindful of is that January is one of the coldest months to visit and the chances of rain are very high.

You can expect average high temperatures in Edinburgh during January of around 5 degrees / 41 degrees Fahrenheit and low temperatures of 1 degrees / 34 degrees Fahrenheit.

Quick facts on the best time to visit Edinburgh for January. It shows that the high temperatures can reach 5 degrees / 41 degrees Fahrenheit, low temperatures of 1 degrees / 34 degrees Fahrenheit. You can also expect 24 days of rainfall and it is the low tourist season.

As we said, it can get pretty cold and it is quite common for it to snow during January too! Yet again, this is a great time to see Edinburgh though covered in white snow and giving it even more of a Harry Potter vibe! This would be the time to explore the Harry Potter locations and enjoy the Harry Potter cocktail making experience to warm up too!

During January, you can expect around 24 days of rain so if you’re planning to visit Edinburgh during this time then you will absolutely want to bring an umbrella!

Edinburgh Weather in February

Similar to January, February can be quite a cold time of year to visit Edinburgh but the appeal is that you can get to see the city in all its gothic glory!

The high temperatures in February tend to be around 6 degrees / 43 degrees Fahrenheit so it is slightly warmer than January but not by much. You will find that the low temperatures do not change much and are around 1 degree / 34 degrees Fahrenheit.

There are not many tourists lurking around in February as there are not many events or festivals during this time either. Due to this, it is a great time to visit and get some amazing snaps in Edinburgh that are not full of tourists!

Quick facts on the best time to visit Edinburgh for February. It shows that the high temperatures can reach 6 degrees / 43 degrees Fahrenheit, low temperatures of 1 degrees / 34 degrees Fahrenheit. You can also expect 20 days of rainfall and it is the low tourist season.

One highlight of visiting Edinburgh in February is that you will also find that the number of rainy days decrease and you can expect around 20 days of rainfall.

If you can handle the cold weather, rain and snow then February is a great time to visit. You just want to make sure that you wrap up warm!

Edinburgh Weather in March

Opening up the Spring season for the UK, March can be a little more rainy than most months. You will find that there are usually around 22 days of rain during March in Edinburgh but the showers tend to be shorter and the days are starting to get a little brighter too.

You will find that at the end of March, the clocks go forward by 1 hour so you will lose an hour during this time. If you’re planning to fly when the clocks change then just make sure that you’re arriving for your flight at the right time and checking your alarms!

Quick facts on the best time to visit Edinburgh for March. It shows that the high temperatures can reach 9 degrees / 48 degrees Fahrenheit, low temperatures of 3 degrees / 36 degrees Fahrenheit. You can also expect 22 days of rainfall and it is the low tourist season.

The temperatures slowly start to increase in Edinburgh during March and you will see high temperatures of 9 degrees / 48 degrees Fahrenheit. You will still get low temperatures which can reach around 3 degrees / 36 degrees Fahrenheit however, you will find that this is usually more around the evening that you will see these temperatures.

March is still a really good time to visit for tourists because even though you will find more people starting to travel to Edinburgh during this time, it is certainly not as busy as some of the other months!

Edinburgh Weather in April

April is a bit of a strange month to visit Edinburgh because it is still not massively warm but it does have much less rain than at the start of the year.

During April, you will see around 22 days of rain but they do tend to be shorter bursts to continue our Spring season. Tourists will begin to start visiting so it can be a bit more busy during this season.

As the schools in Edinburgh tend to have a short break at the end of March and start of April, there will also be a lot more locals around during this time of year too making the most of their time off!

Slowly the weather will begin to get warmer too and you will see high temperatures of 11 degrees / 52 degrees Fahrenheit with low temperatures of 3 degrees / 37 degrees Fahrenheit. This is not too cold for visiting Edinburgh but the days can still be slightly grey adding to the atmosphere in Edinburgh.

Quick facts on the best time to visit Edinburgh for April. It shows that the high temperatures can reach 11 degrees / 52 degrees Fahrenheit, low temperatures of 3 degrees / 37 degrees Fahrenheit. You can also expect 22 days of rainfall and it is the low tourist season.

Another perk of visiting Edinburgh during April is that there are also quite a few cool events that you should go to as well. There is the Beltane Fire Festival, the Vegan festival and the science festival so it’s worth trying to tie in your trip with one of these so that you can experience Edinburgh in a unique way.

Edinburgh Weather in May

May is one of our favourite times to visit Edinburgh because the weather isn’t as cold and there is slightly less rain. You may find that it will rain quite a few days during May but they do tend to be shorter bursts so it doesn’t feel as bad. During May, it tends to rain around 21 days so even though it is higher than April, it doesn’t feel as constant.

Quick facts on the best time to visit Edinburgh for May. It shows that the high temperatures can reach 14 degrees / 57 degrees Fahrenheit, low temperatures of 6 degrees / 43 degrees Fahrenheit. You can also expect 21 days of rainfall and it is rated as a medium period for tourists.

May is the slow beginning of our Summer period and we begin to see Spring come to an end. Due to this the high temperatures begin to reach around 14 degrees / 57 degrees Fahrenheit and the low temperatures increase to around 6 degrees / 43 degrees Fahrenheit.

If you’re originally travelling from a hotter country then it may not feel warm for you but for us, that is quite a good, comfortable temperature.

Due to the weather beginning to get warmer, you will find that the tourists begin to flock to Edinburgh more so it is much busier during this time of year.

However, if you’re wanting to experience some warmer temperatures but avoid the busy period of June, July and August then this is the best time to visit Edinburgh for you.

Not to mention that there are also quite a few different events during May in Edinburgh so these are things that you absolutely don’t want to miss!

Edinburgh is known for its whisky and so if this is something that you’re interested in then you will want to visit during May when we celebrate our whisky month! You will also find the hidden door festival and Edinburgh’s international children’s festival too!

Edinburgh Weather in June

June is a month that we all look forward to in the UK because we get to see daylight for much longer and the days become much warmer.

For us in the UK, June is the true start of our Summer and we look forward to it all year! You will get to see high temperatures of around 17 degrees / 63 degrees Fahrenheit and low temperatures of 9 degrees / 48 degrees Fahrenheit.

As the weather starts to warm up, you will find that the tourist season starts to warm up too. June is the beginning of the tourist season in Edinburgh so you will find that it is a much busier season to visit. If you don’t mind the busy time of year then this is a great month to visit Edinburgh as you will get to really appreciate the beauty of the city.

Quick facts on the best time to visit Edinburgh for June. It shows that the high temperatures can reach 17 degrees / 63 degrees Fahrenheit, low temperatures of 9 degrees / 48 degrees Fahrenheit. You can also expect 20 days of rainfall and it is rated as a medium period for tourists.

Even though the temperatures are warmer, you guessed it, there is still a fair bit of rain throughout June. There are around 20 days of rain but again, they tend to be more short bursts so it shouldn’t dampen your experience of the city too much (forgive the pun!).

Head to Edinburgh in June to party the night away for pride festival or experience the Royal Highland show. The Royal Highland show is a really important part of Scottish culture so if you want to dive in then we really recommend visiting during June in Edinburgh.

Edinburgh Weather in July

July is one of the busiest months to visit Edinburgh as not only are the local children off school so there will be more locals roaming but also that tourists tend to visit more because it is a much warmer time of year.

During the middle of our Summer, high temperatures will reach around 19 degrees / 66 degrees Fahrenheit and the low temperatures are only around 11 degrees / 52 degrees Fahrenheit. With this in mind, we are writing this article in the middle of July at 10pm and it still feels like it is around 20 degrees / 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

Quick facts on the best time to visit Edinburgh for July. It shows that the high temperatures can reach 19 degrees / 66 degrees Fahrenheit, low temperatures of 11 degrees / 52 degrees Fahrenheit. You can also expect 20 days of rainfall and it is very high tourist season.

Despite the warmer temperatures, there is still a high chance of rain in Edinburgh during July but sometimes it is much needed to try and clear the air. There are around 20 days of rain in July but as the temperatures are much warmer, it won’t feel that bad if it does rain!

There are plenty of different things to do in Edinburgh during July but particular highlights are the Jazz and Blues festival alongside the food festival. These are two events that you should not miss if you decide to visit Edinburgh in July.

Edinburgh Weather in August

August is our warmest and busiest month so unless you’re comfortable with warm temperatures and lots of tourists then Edinburgh may not be the best time to visit Edinburgh.

The infamous Fringe Festival runs through the whole month of August and you will find that tourists come from all over the world to see this event. Due to this, the streets will be bursting to the scenes with vibrancy, people and plenty of atmosphere to match!

Quick facts on the best time to visit Edinburgh for August. It shows that the high temperatures can reach 19 degrees / 66 degrees Fahrenheit, low temperatures of 11 degrees / 52 degrees Fahrenheit. You can also expect 20 days of rainfall and it is very high tourist season.

Even though August is a much busier time to visit Edinburgh, in our opinion, it is also one of the best times to visit so that you can experience the Fringe festival and all its glory!

The temperatures in August are the same as July so you will experience high temperatures of around 19 degrees / 66 degrees Fahrenheit and the low temperatures are only around 11 degrees / 52 degrees Fahrenheit.

Unsurprisingly, there are still around 20 days of rain but it is usually short bursts of rain so it shouldn’t affect your experience too much!

Alongside the Fringe festival, you will find that there is also the Edinburgh Military Tattoo, International Art, Book, Film and Television festival and so much more! Essentially if you’re looking to see Edinburgh in a unique light then August is the perfect time to visit.

Edinburgh Weather in September

If you’re planning to visit Edinburgh in September then the weather does start to get cooler and it is much less busy than during August when the Fringe festival is running. However, this is a great time to visit as the local children are all back to school so there are not as many locals or tourists around.

Surprisingly, there are much less rainy days in September than most of the year and you will find that there are only around 19 days of rain. There will still be small showers but it does start to become more frequent again in September.

Quick facts on the best time to visit Edinburgh for September. It shows that the high temperatures can reach 16 degrees / 61 degrees Fahrenheit, low temperatures of 9 degrees / 48 degrees Fahrenheit. You can also expect 19 days of rainfall and it is rated as a medium period for tourists.

With this in mind, high temperatures will reach around 16 degrees / 61 degrees fahrenheit and low temperatures of 9 degrees / 48 degrees fahrenheit. It is still a warm time to visit but it is much cooler than the temperatures you’ll experience in August.

Whilst you’re visiting during September, you won’t want to miss the doors open day where you can see behind doors that are usually shut in the city!

September is an exciting time of year to visit and you will start to see that gothic charm of Edinburgh seep through again!

Edinburgh Weather in October

Planning a visit to Edinburgh during October is a fantastic idea especially if it is around Halloween. The city becomes alive over Halloween with party-goers out ready to celebrate the season!

As we are now fully into the Autumn season, Edinburgh comes to life with beautiful auburn colours and the streets are truly beautiful so it is a great time to visit to take plenty of photos!

As the high temperatures reach around 13 degrees / 55 degrees Fahrenheit, it is much cooler than the previous months so you will want to wrap up warm with a cute tartan scarf and come prepared with a cup of tea or coffee!

Quick facts on the best time to visit Edinburgh for July. It shows that the high temperatures can reach 13 degrees / 55 degrees Fahrenheit, low temperatures of 7 degrees / 45 degrees Fahrenheit. You can also expect 23 days of rainfall and it is a high tourist season.

The low temperatures reach around 7 degrees / 45 degrees Fahrenheit so it can be a little chilly in the evening. You will also start to see a lot more rain in October of around 23 days during the month so be sure to pack a brolly (umbrella)!

October also has plenty of events and activities for visitors to enjoy including the German favourite Oktoberfest, comic con, horror festival and the exciting Samhuinn fire festival too.

To get some gorgeous autumnal photos of Edinburgh, October is certainly the best time to visit even if it is quite busy with tourists!

Edinburgh Weather in November

November is one of the quietest months to visit Edinburgh but this could just be because it is the calm before the storm (Christmas season)!

The weather is a lot colder in November and you may experience early spells of snow which is a beautiful way to see the city! If you’re planning to try and avoid tourists then you will find that November is one of the best times to visit Edinburgh.

Quick facts on the best time to visit Edinburgh for July. It shows that the high temperatures can reach 9 degrees / 48 degrees Fahrenheit, low temperatures of 3 degrees / 37 degrees Fahrenheit. You can also expect 23 days of rainfall and it is a low tourist season.

High temperatures will only reach around 9 degrees / 48 degrees Fahrenheit so you will definitely want to wrap up warm. Low temperatures get to around 3 degrees / 37 degrees Fahrenheit too so the evening will also be quite chilly so when choosing your accommodation, make sure they have good heating!

Unsurprisingly, you can expect around 21 days of rain so you will want to make sure that when you’re packing for your travels that you bring a rain jacket and an umbrella.

Celebrate your stay in November by enjoying plenty of the firework festivals that will light up the city on the 5th November. This is an ultimate activity to do with your loved one and one of the best date ideas for couples in Edinburgh.

Edinburgh Weather in December

December is one of the busiest months to visit Edinburgh apart from August as the Christmas markets begin to open up and tourists flock to experience the beautiful sight of the markets and pick up some cute souvenirs along the way!

Not to mention that this is one of the cutest festive dates for couples to experience in Edinburgh and the perfect way to spend quality time together.

Experiencing the Christmas markets is something that you absolutely cannot miss whilst you’re in Edinburgh and we would recommend trying to visit during this time of year for that exact reason.

It is much colder in December and you may even experience some snow alongside the Christmas markets as well! The high temperatures will be around 7 degrees / 45 degrees Fahrenheit so it is certainly the time of year for hats, scarfs and gloves.

Quick facts on the best time to visit Edinburgh for July. It shows that the high temperatures can reach 7 degrees / 45 degrees Fahrenheit, low temperatures of 2 degrees / 36 degrees Fahrenheit. You can also expect 21 days of rainfall and it is very high tourist season.

With low temperatures of 2 degrees / 36 degrees Fahrenheit you will want to do as the Scots do and warm yourself up with some tasty whisky! Rainfall occurs around 21 days of the month in Edinburgh so be prepared for a bit of a wet trip!

Not only is the Christmas markets worth a visit in Edinburgh but try to stay in the city for around the end of December so that you can see the amazing Hogmanay in the capital of Scotland!

When Should you Visit Edinburgh?

When you’re planning your trip to Edinburgh, the best time to visit will always depend on what you’re planning to visit the city for! If you’re looking to experience Edinburgh in a unique way then you will want to visit in either August when the Fringe festival takes place or in December when the Christmas markets are running.

Amy standing at the top of the vennel steps with a view of Edinburgh Castle in the background.

However, if the busy periods during travelling is not for you then you will want to consider visiting either in November or between January – March in the off-peak seasons. The weather will be a lot colder during this time but there will be much less tourists!

You will find that the warm months are around June – August so if you’re looking to see the city looking bright and beautiful then this is the best time to visit.

In our honest opinion, no matter what time of year you plan to visit Edinburgh, there is always something going on and the city has its own charm all year round!

Plan Your Trip to Edinburgh Here

  • Book your flights to Edinburgh – if you’re looking for some of the best flight companies to plan your trip to Edinburgh then we recommend using WayAway where you can earn money back on your flights and is great for finding cheap flights.
  • Find a hotel – we often use booking.com, or HostelWorld when we are booking our accommodation. Alternatively, use the map below to search around the best areas in Edinburgh and the cheapest prices.
  • Book Travel Insurance – we’ve used Coverwise in the past and found that it is an affordable insurance that covers all bases!
  • Tours & Excursions – when we’re travelling, we like to use Viator and Get Your Guide for all our tours and excursions as they are really reasonably priced and have a wide range of options!

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